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Английский словарь американских идиом - bargain


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  ~1 n 1 something bought cheaply or for less than its usual price  (I might buy a TV, if I can find a bargain in the sales. | be a bargain)  (These shoes are a bargain at $22. | bargain holiday/clothes/prices etc (=a holiday etc that is very cheap) | bargain hunting (=looking for things to buy at a cheap price))  (a bargain hunting housewife at the January sales) 2 an agreement, made between two people or groups, to do something in return for something else  (make a bargain)  (We've made a bargain that he'll do the shopping and I'll cook. | drive a hard bargain (=succeed in making an agreement that is very much to your advantage))  (Fischer was determined to drive a hard bargain. | keep your side of the bargain (=do what you promised as part of an agreement) | strike a bargain (=reach an agreement))  (Management and unions have struck a bargain over wage increases.) 3 into the bargain especially BrE in addition to everything else  (He was short, fat, and spotty into the bargain.) 4 make the best of a bad bargain to do the best you can under difficult conditions - bargainer n  (a wage bargainer)  (- see cheap1) ~2 v to discuss the conditions of a sale, agreement etc + for  (bargaining for better pay) bargain for sth phr v also bargain on sth  (T usually in negatives) to expect that something will happen and make it part of your plans  (We hadn't bargained for such heavy rain, and got really wet. | bargain on doing sth)  (We can't bargain on finding the right house straight away. | more than you bargained for (=more than you expected))  (His wife's angry reaction was more than he bargained for!) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (bargains, bargaining, bargained) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. Something that is a bargain is good value for money, usually because it has been sold at a lower price than normal. At this price the wine is a bargain... N-COUNT 2. A bargain is an agreement, especially a formal business agreement, in which two people or groups agree what each of them will do, pay, or receive. I’ll make a bargain with you. I’ll play hostess if you’ll include Matthew in your guest-list... The treaty was based on a bargain between the French and German governments. = deal N-COUNT 3. When people bargain with each other, they discuss what each of them will do, pay, or receive. They prefer to bargain with individual clients, for cash... Shop in small local markets and don’t be afraid to bargain. = negotiate VERB: V with n, V • bargainer (bargainers) A union bargainer said that those jobs have been saved. N-COUNT • bargaining The government has called for sensible pay bargaining. N-UNCOUNT: oft supp N 4. If people drive a hard bargain, they argue with determination in order to achieve a deal which is favourable to themselves. ...a law firm with a reputation for driving a hard bargain. PHRASE: V, ADJ, and N inflect 5. You use into the bargain when mentioning an additional quantity, feature, fact, or action, to emphasize the fact that it is also involved. You can also say in the bargain in American English. This machine is designed to save you effort, and keep your work surfaces tidy into the bargain... She is rich. Now you say she is a beauty into the bargain. PHRASE: cl PHR c darkgreen]emphasis 6. If you keep your side of the bargain, you do what you have promised or arranged to do. Dealing with this dictator wasn’t an option. He wouldn’t have kept his side of the bargain. PHRASE: V inflects ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Usage: often attributive  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from bargaigner  Date: 14th century  1. an agreement between parties settling what each gives or receives in a transaction between them or what course of action or policy each pursues in respect to the other  2. something acquired by or as if by ~ing; especially an advantageous purchase at that price the car is a ~  3. a transaction, situation, or event regarded in the light of its results a bad ~  II. verb  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French bargaigner, probably of Germanic origin; akin to Old English borgian to borrow — more at bury  Date: 14th century  intransitive verb  1. to negotiate over the terms of a purchase, agreement, or contract ; haggle  2. to come to terms ; agree  transitive verb  1. to bring to a desired level by ~ing ~ a price down  2. to sell or dispose of by ~ing  • ~er noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. 1 a an agreement on the terms of a transaction or sale. b this seen from the buyer's viewpoint (a bad bargain). 2 something acquired or offered cheaply. --v.intr. (often foll. by with, for) discuss the terms of a transaction (expected him to bargain, but he paid up; bargained with her; bargained for the table). Phrases and idioms bargain away part with for something worthless (had bargained away the estate). bargain basement the basement of a shop where bargains are displayed. bargain for (or colloq. on) (usu. with neg. actual or implied) be prepared for; expect (didn't bargain for bad weather; more than I bargained for). bargain on rely on. drive a hard bargain pursue one's own profit in a transaction keenly. into (US in) the bargain moreover; in addition to what was expected. make (or strike) a bargain agree a transaction. Derivatives bargainer n. Etymology: ME f. OF bargaine, bargaignier, prob. f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  сделка; соглашение; договор; вести переговоры, договариваться – to make a bargain – all-or-nothing bargain – bad bargain – good bargain BARGAIN I сущ. 1) эк. соглашение, (торговая) сделка, договор о покупке to make (strike, close, conclude, drive) a bargain - заключить сделку, прийти к соглашению, to drive a hard bargain - много запрашивать, торговаться, to bind a bargain - дать задаток, to be off with one's bargain - аннулировать сделку, to be off one's bargain - аннулировать сделку, сorrupt bargain - бесчестная сделка, criminal bargain - преступная сделка, time bargain - сделка на срок, срочная сделка Syn: transaction 1) See: bad bargain bargain offer bargainer real bargain blind bargain 2) а) эк. товар (полученный в результате заключения сделки) б) эк. выгодная (дешевая) покупка Syn: bargain purchase в) мн., эк. товары по сниженным ценам, дешевые товары Syn: cheap purchase See: bargain basement bargain day 3) юр. соглашение, договоренность 4) юр. договор по купле-продаже земли 5) общ. небольшой земельный участок 6) бирж., брит. биржевая сделка (напр., сделка на Лондонской фондовой бирже) Syn: haggle II гл. 1) эк. торговаться о цене Syn: haggle See: outbargain 2) общ. вести переговоры, договариваться Syn: hold negotiations carry on negotiations carry on talks handle negotiates hold talks make negotiates transact negotiates 3) общ. прийти к соглашению, условиться, заключить сделку Syn: do a deal make a bargain close a bargain make a deal...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. торговая сделка; договор о покупке; договоренность good bargain —- выгодная сделка bad (hard, losing) bargain —- невыгодная сделка bargain and sale —- юр. договор о купле-продаже земли to make a bargain —- договориться (о чем-л.); заключить соглашение she made a bargain with the porter —- она условилась о цене с носильщиком to close (to conclude, to settle) a bargain with smb. —- заключать с кем-л. сделку to strike a bargain —- заключить сделку (соглашение); договориться; купить по дешевке; заключить выгодную сделку to drive a hard bargain —- много запрашивать, торговаться to bind the bargain —- дать задаток при покупке to be off (with) one's bargain —- аннулировать сделку; освободиться от обязательства to have the best of a bargain —- извлечь наибольшую выгоду из соглашения; выиграть (от чего-л.) I hope you will stand by your bargain —- надеюсь, что вы не измените своему слову that's a bargain! —- договорились!, идет! 2. выгодная покупка; что-л., купленное по дешевке bargain sale —- распродажа (в магазине) to buy at a bargain —- покупать по дешевке he had it at a bargain —- ему это досталось дешево I picked up a bargain accidentally —- я случайно купил это очень дешево that's a bargain at this price —- это очень дешево, это почти что даром the counter was displaying bargains —- на прилавке были выставлены товары по сниженным ценам their maid was a real bargain...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) (торговая) сделка a good (bad, hard, losing) bargain - выгодная (невыгодная) сделка to keep ones part of the bargain - вести торг - make a bargain - strike a bargain - close a bargain - drive a hard bargain - bind a bargain - be off with ones bargain  2) (а bargain) выгодная покупка; дешево купленная вещь to buy at a bargain - покупать по дешевке  3) attr. bargain basement - отдел продажи товаров по сниженным ценам (обыкн. в подвале магазина) bargain basement rates - дешевка, сниженные цены into the bargain - в придачу, к тому же to make the best of a bad bargain - не падать духом в беде thats a bargain! - по рукам!: дело решенное; договорились? a bargain is a bargain - уговор дороже денег - wet bargain - Dutch bargain  2. v. торговаться - bargain away - bargain for - bargain with - bargain on - bargain for BARGAIN hunter noun покупательница, бегающая по магазинам в поисках покупок по дешёвке; завсегдатай распродаж BARGAIN on рассчитывать на кого-л., что-л. Im bargaining on your help to drive us to the airport. Dont bargain on getting any support from her, shes very selfish. I wouldnt bargain on the speaker arriving soon, as hes got a long way to come. BARGAIN with торговаться The women are bargaining with their neighbours. BARGAIN sale распродажа по сниженным ценам BARGAIN for торговаться The dealer spent hours bargaining for the valuable painting. BARGAIN away торговаться The women in the market often bargain away for hours. ...
Англо-русский словарь
  - early 14c., from O.Fr. bargaignier "to haggle," from Frank. *borganjan "to lend," and ultimately from P.Gmc. *borgan, root of borrow. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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